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Writer's pictureLord Chris Mentillo


By Stuart Kemp Oliver Stone and his producing partner Moritz Borman have inked a deal for movie rights to Time of the Octopus, a novel written by Anatoly Kucherena, whistleblower Edward Snowden’s Russian lawyer. PHOTOS: The 21 Best Movies About Whistleblowers Stone has begun to write the screenplay and Borman is fast-tracking it as a European co-production to start filming before the end of the year. Kucherena’s novel tells the fictional story of an American whistleblower, Joshua Cold, who, threatened by his government, and while waiting for a decision on his request for asylum from the Russian authorities, spends three weeks in limbo in the transit area of the Moscow airport. Said Kucherena: “The more I engaged in the Edward Snowden case, the more I was impressed by his story.

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