Thank you for showing interest with regards to our current, “book promotion post.” Below is a more specific description of what you will receive… has decided to hold a (1 week book promotion) from 5/29/2014 — 6/5/2014.
So if you buy our founder’s book titled, “A True Tale of Horror”: The Unhappy Heiress, you will receive promotion advertisement for (any 1 social website page) of your choice. We’ve determined the value of this promotion roughly valued at $100.00 — minimum.

How Did We Come Up With This Figure?
Here’s How….
If you go to and check out our current website ranking worldwide you will see all our recent daily and monthly visitor stats, etc. We simply took the figures from all our website ranking stats — both domestic and worldwide, and divided its worth by 12 (1 year), and then broke down the number to 1 week of traffic.
However, because this Alexa rank number varies from day-to-day, we’ve taken the liberty of mentioning the lowest possible number for which we know to be most accurate. So it’s very possible for you to receive far more “value worth” than what we mention. We would rather give you a lower ball figure — knowing we can confidently fulfill this figure.
For example:
If perhaps one of your social media website pages you wish us to promote is a specific “Facebook like page,” then after you buy our book on Amazon you will then send us your email confirmation from Amazon showing, and proving you’ve purchased this book. Then you will proceed to send us your Facebook like page website link or twitter website page for which you wish us to promote for you.
All our social media networks connect to our main website page at… for which we will promote for you.
If for instance you have a twitter page account web page, then all you need to give us is your twitter website link page. At the moment you can only give us either a twitter page or Facebook page link for us to promote for you…but we plan on adding other social media platforms soon. The reason for this is so we can first establish a quality promotion based on what we know now works for us. What works for us will also work for you. Correct? No sense in reinventing the wheel. You want immediate results, correct? Then let us show you, “immediate results.”
Remember our book promotion is only good for 7 days during the time period for which we mentioned above. So if you order the book anytime after the ending date of this promotion, you will need to wait until our next book promotion schedule. Don’t worry we feel confident you will be more than pleased with your results.
Why Are You Doing This Promotion…How does This serve You?
Our primary purpose here is to: get a wider range of book readers to read our published books. We hope you will see the value of our books via this promotion. Additionally, We also know that people want more for their value these days, and if we are able to give you, a “win win” scenario, then we will do everything in our power to have both parties succeed. You see, we are well aware that our fans are our support system. Without you we simply couldn’t exist. We know this to be true, because, our total amount of fans have now reached over 42,000. While this number impresses us, we want to reach out to more possible, potential fans out there while we continue to add value to are already loyal fan base.
Purchase This book and receive over $100.00 0f advertisement for anyone of your social media network pages. Purchase book for only…99 cents and after done buying this classic supernatural horror book…send us your confirmation email of purchase, along with your social media web page address you wish us to promote for you, and you will see more likes, etc on your social platform web pages….GUARANTEED!!
Go to Amazon to purchase this book now. Click Here to order on Amazon, and watch your fan base grow. More fans, and more likes means more fans and potential costumers for your own music, dvd, books, etc.
After You’ve Purchased The Book…Go & Fill Out The Required Fields Below So We Can Accommodate You.
Thanks for Placing Your Trust In Us & For all Your Current Support.
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