Buffy returns to comics with Season 10 this time with the team of Rebecca Isacks and Christopher Gage who worked on Angel and Faith S9 (for anyone unfamiliar with the books there was no S6-8 of Angel it was called that to show where in the time line it takes place with the Buffy Comic, all mini series and one shots carry the SEASON subtitle). The entire S8 and 9 are in tpb thru Dark Horse comics so make sure you go read it. Buffy and the gang are still dealing with the Zompires and now have the threat of Vampires with all new powers, shape shift into bats, wolfs, mist and can with stand sun light. It also takes more than just a poke of Mr.Pointy to stop them. Spike it right by Buffy side in this book, Billy the Vampire Slayer and his bf/watcher also returns as well…
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